Medley Village Philosophy

Medley Village offers an educational program based on the philosophy of Maria Montessori and Loris Malaguzzi.  The goals of the program are to support and encourage children in their development of creativity, initiative, independence, and self-confidence.

Children attending Medley Village are offered an aesthetically pleasing environment with many varied and complex materials which offer endless opportunities for learning. Children are free to move about the classroom, choosing their own learning activities and contributing their thoughts and ideas to learning experiences.  Children may work independently or with others. Teachers prepare the environment and materials, through observations of what each child's needs are to aid in each child's growth.  Teachers are co-learners with children and strive to support children's critical thinking skills. 

Medley Village has teachers that have participated and received certification from an accredited Montessori Teacher Training Program and also have participated in Study Groups to the Preschools of Reggio Emilia, Italy. Creative arts are a strong value of the school as well and we invite guest artists to teach their trades in our learning community. Teachers at Medley Village are actively engaged in continuing their learning processes and participate in many learning opportunities through the year.

The following areas of exploration are included in our daily schedule:

Practical Life:  Through Practical Life activities, children acquire many daily living skills.  Children have the opportunities to care for their environment and themselves.  These activities also help to foster independence, concentration, coordination and order.  These skills will enable children to thrive and not just survive, in their lives.  Practical Life activities are opportunities to practice and refine skills.

The essence of independence is to be able to do something for ones self.
— Maria Montessori


Through a variety of language activities and materials children become familiar with sounds and symbols and begin the process of writing that naturally leads to reading.  The process of learning how to read should be as painless and simple as learning how to speak.  At Medley Village children are of mixed age groups, the younger children learn from the older children.  As with all Montessori materials, languages materials are experienced using all of the senses.  Children are exposed to many leaning opportunities throughout the day that will help them in their process to becoming readers.


Children are introduced to concrete materials that are designed to isolate a concept and prepare them for abstract thinking.  These materials graphically represent what is taking place in a given mathematical process.  They help children understand and develop a strong foundation in mathematics and geometry.

Expressive Languages-

Children have access throughout the day to music, art, creative dramatics and building materials. These materials give us insights into the children thoughts and ideas about the world and community around them.  

Building/Loose Parts-

Open ended materials such as building blocks, natural materials, recycled materials, and a variety of manipulatives encourage children to construct creatively. Work with these materials also strengthen fine motor skills, encourage collaborative work and dramatic play, and strengthen vocabulary development. Through building, children also gain experience with mathematical concepts such as symmetry, length/height, and shape.

Geography and Cultural Studies-

Children will be exposed to materials that teach them about the broader world.  Geography curriculum starts with the cosmic; learning about planets and the solar system and from there, narrows the focus to continents, countries, states, cities, etc.  Maria Montessori believed that in order to teach children empathy that it was important that they learn about other cultures at an early age. 

Hands on Science-

Children will have many opportunities to study the natural world around them.  They will have access to simple scientific tools to understand and appreciate how their actions can affect the planet they live on.  Children will have a basic introduction into botany, zoology and biology. 


A child interacts with the physical world through their senses.  The Sensorial materials are designed to help children focus their attention more carefully in exploring similarities and differences using all of their senses.    

Our program is geared to the development of each child and provides a balance of activities:

  • Structured and unstructured

  • Informative and creative

  • Active and quiet

  • Indoor and outdoor

  • Observing and participatory

  • Individual and group

Goals and Objectives of Medley Village:

  • To provide a rich environment that accepts children as they are and encourages the development of children and fosters their individual needs, interests, and talents.

  • To provide a warm and loving community atmosphere in which children feel loved, respected, included and valued.

  • To provide a positive and exciting work environment for teachers in which they feel challenged, valued, and fulfilled.

  • To provide an open dialogue with parents and families in which we encourage involvement, open and honest communication, and feedback.