Half Days (8:30-11:30)

  • Single Day - $45.00/week

  • Part Time (2 days a week) - $80.00/week

  • Part Time (3 days a week) - $115/week

Full Days (8:30-3:00) *available Tues/Wed/Thurs

  • Single Day - $80.00/week

  • Part Time (2 days a week) - $150.00/week

  • Part Time (3 days a week) - $200.00/week

Lunch Bunch (11:30a-12:30p):

  • $10.00/day (included in full day program cost)

Registration Fee

  • New Enrollment only - $50.00

Tuition is billed monthly.

Medley Village is staffed based on enrollment; we are unable to offer refunds or discounts due to absence.  There will be no reduction in monthly tuition for days missed or days that school is closed (this includes planned closures as well as extreme weather and Covid-19 related closures).

Session Hours:

  • AM – 8:30a-11:30a

  • Full Day – 8:30-3:00p

  • Lunch Bunch* – 11:30a-12:30p

Our school year calendar runs September through June. We have a break in winter and spring that follows the school year calendar of Saint Paul Public Schools.

*Lunch Bunch is offered to AM students who wish to stay for lunch.  Children bring lunch from home and eat with full-day students and other lunch-bunchers.